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Class Plays

Our Drama students have been working hard as they participate the rehearsal process of a full length play! Due to health and safety restrictions, we will not be able to have audience members attend the performances of these class plays. Scroll below to watch your student shine in a recorded performance of their class play!


Follow the story of a very hungry caterpillar while he eats his way through the days of the week! Through a dramatic adaptation, watch Eric Carle's classic tale come to life onstage!



This story focuses on a young boy named Max who, after dressing in his wolf costume, wreaks havoc through his house, and is sent to bed without his supper. Max's bedroom undergoes a mysterious transformation, and he finds himself on an island inhabited by frightening beasts, the Wild Things!

1st Grade


"Gerald would love to join in with the other animals at the Jungle Dance but everyone knows that giraffes can't dance...or can they?"

2nd Grade

Ms. Vecchia's Class

Ms. Welsh's Class

Ms. Barnett's Class

Ms. Allamby's Class

Ms. Pickett's Class

Ms. Spurgeon's Class

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